Can someone give me tips on how to ace my rugby tryouts at school. I can run quite fast but I can’t run for a long period of time, so can someone give me tips on how to run for longer periods of time.
Thanks in advance and by the way, I have no idea how to play rugby so can you keep the answers to easy steps.
Well my tip for you is that you shouldn’t run your hardest until you got the ball or you are trying to tackle your opponent, so throughout the game you should just jog, so you don’t lose your breath.
To view video, click on the post title
A Nike Sports Rugby Ad
Duration : 0:1:29
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I’m like really into Football, but they don’t got a team at my new school. But there is a Rugby team. I’ve been told that football and rugby were pretty similar, just wondering what the differences were.
Massive difference, first the eqiupment issue which is none in rugby, no forward passes, the breakdown after every tackle having to compete for the ball, no set number of Downs in rugby- you can keep the ball for as many phases as you like provided you don’t knock it on( lose the ball forward) or get peanalized.
But the biggest difference is you have to be a true athlete in rugby, 15 men on the paddock and only 7 subs which can only be subbed once during the game. If you come off the field due to injury- your game is done unless its for blood. so doing the maths if all subs get on (which they dont always) at least 8 players have to play the full 80 minutes. No offensive, defensive and special teams.
I used to play football thru school and loved it, great game. Moved to New Zealand 7 years ago and have followed rugby. Now I have to admit I think rugby’s a much better game.
Hope this helps
I know that they are all important but what is the most important in general play. I watch many games of both League and Union but I can never work out who has the real important position. And where do the ‘playmakers’ usually play.
I am an AFL fan but I want to learn more about the Rugby codes. Dont worry, I wont be a convert!
The playmakers are for – rugby league: halfback, number 7 and 5/8 (five-eighth), number 6. – rugby union: fly half or 5/8 (five-eighth), number 10
These playmakers would be the most important for each code.
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Girl’s Rugby
Please take a moment to view the promotional video on the Girls’ High School Varsity movement.
Photos by Denise Chambers, footage provided by Sylvain Doreau of Bin15 productions and editing by Becky Carlson.
Footage and photos taken at the Colorado Girls’ High School Club Championship.
Duration : 0:2:49
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What is the best rugby union match of all time?
I am trying to teach some people I work with about rugby and I want to show them a match that was recent. Although low scoring battles are just as exciting to me, I am sure they would prefer something that was relatively high scoring. Any suggestions? Also if you have a link where I can download or watch the match that would be great.
Ooh, so much choice. Well, my (biased) vote would go to Ireland v England when Shane Horgan scored that last minute try. But for something everyone could appreciate, well I’d probably have to go with the Wales vs Fiji match at the 2007 Rugby World Cup for sheer excitement and flair, with a victory for the underdog. Can’t find any place to download the matches but I’ll carry on looking. Alternatively, there is loads of great stuff on youtube to look at, a few of the best I’ve found being: (best of the recent six nations set to music) (quite long, a history of the world cup) but has some good tries) (many of the world cup tries but better edited) ChrisF
Based on the facts that this province has produced understandiliby the best preformed players over the previous years then i feel that by using our formula that we have down here should be good cause to have the academy based in Canterbury. Now this is just a question not something to take personally.
NO, Recently Canterbury isn’t a breeding ground for top players. How many players are even grew up in the area and even less born there.
They buy in players.
Well, im a 15 year old girl playing rugby for the first time, so i would appreciate any help regarding kit, or any other help you feel you want to share…
So… 1.) i need boots, any cheap ones you’d reccomend that are easy to find/buy in england
2.) what shorts do i need?
3.) do i need anything else special? i have a gum shield
thanks in advance 🙂
1) boots : some JJB’s sell kooga rugby boots in adults for approx £30, and juniors £25
2)shorts. cotton draw string.
3) depending on what position you play. you may need rugby gloves, head-guard and IRB checked body pads
I am trying to get around 60 balls but would be willing to go up to 100, if anyone knows of anywhere in the UK which sells them and would be willing to put a message on them?
Thanks, already searched Google but would like a personal recommendation from someone of a company, if possible!
i found this site they do promotional advertising so i should think you could get them to put your message on it
and another
hope this helps
all the best
rugby fan

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