What’s shorter? AFL footy shorts or rugby footy shorts?

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AFL. Comparing: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b1/Scott_west_afl_player.jpg TO http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/200608/r101750_311053.jpg The AFL shorts are defently shorter.

Editors Comment:  Definitely AFL footy shorts – and don’t the ladies love them!


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4 Responses

  1. 1 leigh :)
    2009 May 20

    References :

  2. 2 GC
    2009 May 20

    i would have to say afl shorts.
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  3. 3 Chris
    2009 May 20

    They wear shorts? I hadn't noticed.
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  4. 4 Bombers4ever
    2009 May 20

    afl, slightly a few centimetres, not much, but yet rugby fans pick on afl players for having short shorts and it makes no sense.
    References :

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