I am fed up of trying to run around with the crotch of my shorts half way to my knees, and really want to find some rugby shorts made for women!

Women Rugby Shorts ? Isn’t that kind of a like a man wanting to find a pair of male high heels ?

Yahoo Answers


Editors Comment:  Some people really aren’t up with life!  My first stop would be Canterbury Apparel

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4 Responses

  1. 1 tess_tickelsss
    2009 Mar 26

    Women Rugby Shorts ?

    Isn't that kind of a like a man wanting to find a pair of male high heels ?
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  2. 2 Medium Dave
    2009 Mar 26

    Can't you just buy some made for early-to-mid teens? They must be around the same size as the average woman….

    Given they they don't have a posing-puch sewn into the lining, it must simply be a matter of size – and boys play rugby from the age of about 8 upwards.
    References :

  3. 3 Mr Price
    2009 Mar 26

    When I coached a women's team they wore regular shorts, but with lycra-type shorts underneath.
    References :

  4. 4 Sabrinalabella
    2009 Mar 26

    I wear barbarians. They are shorter but fit round butts better.
    References :

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