The game started with a number of penalties as the player settled into the game. Live rugby report here…

Mils Muliaina scored the first try at around the 14 minute mark, converted by Daniel Carter. The ball was passed along the back line out to Mils the All Black full back coming on the outside of the backline.

Score 7-0 to the All Blacks.

At 19min 54sec the Aussie back line went into action and looked set for a try. A dropped ball put a stop to that. A penalty by Matt Giteau in the 22min for the Wallabies.

Score 7-3 to the All Blacks.

At 29 minutes the Wallabies are having a good period on attack. We have not seen much of the All Blacks on attack.

33 minutes and the All Blacks have only had 41% possession. Possession and territory are favouring Australia, despite the score favouring the New Zealand.

Right before half time after going wide, a pass back into Stirling Mortlock and the Wallabies go over for a try. The try is converted by Giteau.

So the half time score is Wallabies 10 – All Blacks 7.

Just into the second half and Matt Giteau goes over for a try which he converts.

Score is Wallabies 17 – All Blacks 7

This wakes up the All Blacks and they reply with Tony Woodcock, the All Black prop, going over for a try in the corner. Carter converts – what a great kick from a difficult position!

Score is now Wallabies 17 – All Blacks 14

Piri Weepu, the All Black replacement halfback, goes over for a try in the 63rd minute which is converted by Dan Carter.

Score is now All Blacks 21- Wallabies 17

What a game!

We are in the 67th minute and the All Blacks pass the ball out to Daniel Carter he ducks a tackle and goes round over the line brings the ball round towards the posts for a touchdown. Carter follows it up by converting his own try.

Score now All Blacks 28 – Wallabies 17

Five minutes to go and the Australians are on the attack. New Zealand get a scrum 5-6 metres from their line.  They need to clear this ball.  Play goes on the Aussies win a scrum with less than 3 minutes to go…

Cross, the Australian centre puts the ball over the line and the referee goes upstairs for a decision.  The try is awarded and Giteau converts.

Score is now All Blacks 28 – Wallabies 24

Two minutes left…one minute…the All Blacks play with the rucks.  Wallabies clear the ball, they get a penalty.  All Blacks get the ball and kick it out.

Final Score All Blacks 28 to Wallabies 24


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